Strategic Location Advisors knows site selection. Successful entrepreneurs lean on experts every day for advice in legal, financial, and risk matters. Adding our expertise to your Trusted Advisor group is just as impactful. 


We will guide your location decision through research, analysis, negotiation, and the ability to tap into our network of professionals nationwide. We have worked with companies all over the U.S., Canada, and Europe.Schedule a meeting today to see how we can assist your project.

Chuck with Secretary Lightsey


Strategic Location Advisors:  Six Key Steps From Our Process To Finding Your New Location

Musts & Wants Discovery

Put simply, this phase is for understanding the most important pieces to your new facility's success. We identify critical needs, uncover wants on your wishlist, identify geographies (states & regions) that make sense, and design a competitive information request to distribute.

Site Identification

Our team works on your behalf to identify the most appropriate industrial sites and buildings for your project. Due diligence including environmental reports, geotechnical, cultural resource, utility capacity & availability, flood plain, and more is gathered and analyzed.

Community Analysis & Visits

We visit the community and state(s) to ensure and confirm that they match your requirements for a successful operation. Our team analyzes Workforce Training opportunities, Logistics, Support Services, Supply Chain, and a dozen other data points.

Labor Needs Modeling

Our clients say that workforce is the number one driving factor of their location decision. SLA has the ability to model labor data specific to your facility project using standard industry classification's to compare each location's ability to meet your needs.

Financial Analysis

Once we have determined a short list of viable locations, the next step is to analyze the cost of start-up and operations in each. Our team analyzes multiple costs to produce a pro forma including but not limited to: site cost, utilities, construction, taxes, insurance, incentives, etc.

Tax Incentive Negotiation

The availability of tax incentives varies across the United States. Strategic Location Advisors experts are well-versed in standard as well as custom incentives that may be available for your company. We will negotiate these on your behalf with state and local governments.



Experience Nationwide

Locations and industrial sites in the United States are not a one-size-fits-all, with different taxes, costs, utility capacities, construction types, and more potentially existing in communities right next to each other.  Our experience nationwide allows our team to advise you on every aspect of your decision and how it impacts time, money, and risk on your business.


Experience Navigating Tax Incentives

Tax incentives are an added benefit to the appropriate location for your business and our team understands their differences across states, regions, and local communities.  For example, one corporate tax rebate may be more beneficial to your business than another and having that assessment on your behalf is less risky before making your decision.


Experience With Foreign Direct Investment

Companies new to the United States typically have a difficult time understanding the benefits of locations outside metro areas.  Many times they only investigate major cities like Chicago only to find out after time that the high cost burden and fight for skilled labor is putting a burden on their growth.  The Strategic Location Advisors team knows how to find mid-market and rural communities aggressively seeking employers to impact their growth as well.  One of our specialties is helping Canadian manufacturers locate in the United States, many of whom located in more rural locations and experienced explosive growth.


Experience Being Flexible

Strategic Location Advisors understands that your company may have already have a list of top locations or potential M&A opportunities but that you still need to ensure those locations are the best fit.  Our team can step in at any point to analyze locations across various data points and advise you on the most appropriate decision.  You can choose our full service process, an abridged version, table-top analysis, and more.  We will customize the site selection experience to your needs.